Biorthogonal systems in Banach spaces

Hájek, Petr

Biorthogonal systems in Banach spaces - New York Springer c2008 - xviii, 339 p. 24 cm. (pbk) - CMS books in mathematics .

The main theme of this book is the relation between the global structure of Banach spaces and the various types of generalized coordinate systems or bases they possess. In this book, the authors systematically investigate the concepts of Markushevich bases, fundamental systems, total systems and their variants. Topics covered in this book include: biorthogonal systems in separable Banach spaces, universality and Szlenk Index, weak topologies and renormings, biorthogonal systems in nonseparable spaces, transfinite sequence spaces, applications.

Includes bibliographical references and indexes.

0387689141 9780387689142 (pbk.)

Linear Topological Spaces
Topological Vector Spaces
Banach Spaces